The Hall of Shame

Director of ALCOA
Governance and Nominating Committee
Public Issues Committee
Former President and Chief Executive Officer of
World Wildlife Fund U.S.
Brought with her in 2003 a million dollars from ALCOA into WWF-US and stopped the WWF-US campaign against ALCOA’s destruction of Iceland.
Wade Hughes
Director Public Strategy
Global Primary Products Growth
390 Park Avenue
New York
Tel: 001212 836 2738
Fax: 001212 836 2802
Cell: 001917 400 9344
Particularly at weekends
Campaigners against ALCOA
- Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens – Brasil or Movement of Dam Affected People – Brasil
- Smelta Karavan
- NO SMELTER TnT – Campaign against ALCOA in Trinidad and Tobago
- Rights Action Group Trinidad and Tobago
- Alcoa Sweatshops in Honduras – Alcoa Pits Auto Parts Workers in Mexico Against Its Employees in Honduras. July 2005
- CNN / Lou Dobbs Tonight, July 22, 2005 –
- Bill Tucker reports on U.S. companies moving auto parts production from the U.S. to Mexico and then to even cheaper labor in Honduars
- Mexico – Comité Fronterizo de Obrer@s (CFO�Border Committee of Women Workers) – Protecting the Rights of Maquiladora Workers
- ALCOA’s High-tech Sweatshop in Mexico – National Labor Committee for Worker and Human Rights (Here you can download the highly illuminating pdf ‘THE STRUGGLE TO CLIMB OUT OF MISERY’)
- Western Austalian Forest Alliance – Alcoa Clearing Jarrah Forest for bauxite mining
- Community Alliance for Positive Solutions Inc.
Halldor Asgrimsson
Ex-Prime Minister
Progressive Party
The man whose political career had to be rescued with the sacrifice of the greatest untouched wilderness of Europe
Asgrimsson has resigned as Prime minister, member of parliament and chairman of the so called Progressive Party because of the shambles Icelandic economy has got into due to his heavy industry nightmare!
“During the 1980’s, when Halldór Ásgrímsson (who was forced to resign as PM in June 2006) was minister of fisheries, the whaling policy caused untold damage to Icelandic interests. At the time Halldór Ásgrímsson lied repeatedly to the nation that whaling was not affecting Icelandic interests abroad, when in fact anyone who wanted to know knew that one fish factory after another in Icelandic ownership was having to shut down in Germany, Canada and the US due to public boycots in these countries.
Now Halldór Ásgrímsson has gone into ignoble exile abroad in some cushy position, when in fact he should be prosecuted for his long record of corruption. Instead he counts his millions, never being known for his concern about his own reputation. But his unexplained scampering out of Icelandic politics was aided at the time by the complete silence of Icelandic media about his real reasons to jump ship. And yet this was our Prime Minister! A man who was very much responsible for the corrupt fish quota system (from which he and his own family ‘dynasty’ profit heavily), the criminally ill-advised heavy industry policy and Iceland’s highly questionable support for the war against the Iraqi people. Not to speak of his personal profiting from the sale of the Agricultural Bank, while in office. ”

Ex-Prime Minister
President of the National Bank
Conservative Party
Prides himself with being a “special friend” of Italian ex-PM Berlusconi. Before Impregilo bid for Karahnjukar dams Oddson had a series of meetings with Berlusconi. At the time Impregilo was up for liquidation but the Karahnjukar contract resqued the company. Exactly what did Oddsson and Berlusconi decide during their informal meetings in the sun at Thingvellir?
Oddsson is responsible for introducing the tendency of almost psychopathic vengefulness of his so called “Blue Hand” into Icelandic society. He entertains a ruthless court of lackeys and sycophants in the shadow of an unwholesome national cult of his own autocratic personality.
Finally jumped ship before the shit hit the fan in numerous ways, but made sure the departure was highly lucrative for himself.

Director of Landsvirkjun
Conservative PartyHas been asked about the role of bribes in negotiations for the Kárahnjúkar dams)Has made various arrangements for a getaway to

Signed the death warrant of Kárahnjúkar, as Mayor of Reykjavik City, while outside her window hundreds of people shouted “Don’t sign!”
The authenticity of her recent claims of having changed her mind about the heavy industry
policy remains to be tested in a new government.
Telephone: +354 5630 500

Agency. Assumed she was going to be rewarded
for the dirty deeds but just got the boot in a
most humiliating manner.

0198 Rome, Italy
00354-552 3844
00354-896 3931
Reykjavik offices:
Sudurlandsbraut 12
108 Reykjavik
Tel: 00354-4707900

when the target group is children

Tel: 00354-5658551

Campaigners against RIO TINTO-ALCAN
- Alcan’t – The struggle against ALCAN in India
- ALCAN CSR Profile 2005 pdf – Can ALCAN claim to be the Best? It’s Corporate and Social Responsibility in Question
- Don’t Sell Us Out Coalition
- SÓL Í STRAUMI – Þverpólitískur hópur áhugafólks um stækkunarmálið í Straumsvík – Resistance of the people of Hafnarfjörður to the expansion of the ALCAN factory in Straumsvík /
- ALCAN Dagbókin – Blogg stofnað til þess að fólk geti lesið á opinberum vettfangi við hvað er átt þegar starfsmönnum er sagt upp hjá Álverinu í Straumsvík. – ALCAN Diary – Blogspace of sacked Icelandic workers

Campaigners against Century in Iceland

The “cancer of Iceland” is probably one of the most
corrupt political parties in Scandinavian history and
certainly the most despised by the Icelandic people.
The party finally fell out of government in the 2007 elections.

Johannes, with the kind of friends you have, you just don’t need enemies, do you?

even got into the picture”?
Emails: &
Phone: 00354-510-4080 & 00354-515 9210
Mobile: 00354-892-8311

Thorsteinn Hilmarsson
Chief Spokesman LandsvirkjunTelephone: 5610518 & 515 9088Email:

- Arnbjörg Sveinsdóttir
- Árni M. Mathiesen
- Ásta Möller
- Bryndís Hlöðversdóttir
- Einar K. Guðfinnsson
- Einar Oddur Kristjánsson
- Einar Már Sigurðarson
- Geir H. Haarde
- Gísli S. Einarsson
- Guðjón Guðmundsson
- Gudmundur Hallvarðsson
- Guðni Ágústsson
- Guðrún Ögmundsdóttir
- Halldór Ásgrímsson
- Halldór Blöndal
- Helga Guðrún Jónasdóttir
- Hjálmar Árnason
- Ísólfur Gylfi Pálmason
- Jóhann Ársælsson
- Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir
- Jón Kristjánsson
- Jónína Bjartmarz
- Karl V. Matthíasson
- Kjartan Ólafsson
- Kristinn H. Gunnarsson
- Kristján L. Möller
- Kristján Pálsson
- Lúðvík Bergvinsson
- Magnús Stefánsson
- Margrét Frímannsdóttir
- Páll Pétursson
- Pétur H. Blöndal
- Sigríður Ingvarsdóttir
- Sigríður A. Þórðardóttir
- Siv Friðleifsdóttir
- Sólveig Pétursdóttir
- Sturla Böðvarsson
- Svanfríður Jóhannsdóttir
- Tómas Ingi Olrich
- Valgerður Sverrisdóttir
- Vilhjálmur Egilsson
- Þorgerður K. Gunnarsdóttir
- Össur Skarphéðinsson
- Ásta Ragneiður Jóhannesdóttir
- Björn Bjarnason
- Davíð Oddson
- Guðmundur Árni Stefánsson
- Gunnar Birgisson
- Lára Margrét Ragnarsdóttir
- Ólafur Örn Haraldsson
- Sigríður Jóhannesdóttir
- Guðjón A. Kristjánsson
- Katrín Fjeldsted
- Jón Bjarnason
- Kolbrún Halldórsdóttir
- Rannveig Guðmundsdóttir
- Steingrímur J. Sigfússon
- Sverrir Hermannsson
- Þórunn Sveinbjarnardóttir
- Þuríður Backman
- Ögmundur Jónasson
- Árni Steinar Jóhannson

Your website has destroyed my impression of an idyllic Iceland, but indeed I suppose not everyone up there lives from knitting sweaters and catching fish (and/or whales). It comforts me now to realize that we are not alone in fighting nefarious commercial enterprises. Our village is presently being destroyed by an American-owned lignite mining company. Perhaps you saw our little church being transported away last October on television. Despite the holy aura that such an action radiates, the grim reality is that lignite emits more CO2 per kilowatt-hour than any other fossil fuel. Maybe that would qualify it for the Guiness Book of Records. We also could start our own Hall of Shame, but I’m holding off from that until I have received the results of a government investigation on certain lignite managers who may have been former employees of the East German secret police (Stasi). If that is verified, then maybe the sales of lignite power will increase just like many people have wanted a piece of the Berlin Wall for a souvenier.
Here is a study I have prepared on the German lignite industry:
You can get a printed copy from the Swedish NGO Secretariat on Acid Rain in Göteborg.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Jefrey, all the best with your struggle. I’ve added a you to our links page. Stay in touch with updates!
The next election in Italy will probably not be in favour of Berlusconi so he’s right to enjoy the good times while they go on. It appears this is what he’s doing at the moment anyway!
Most wonderful country in the world with most wonderful people of the world.
Iceland my sweet love.