Oct 03 2013

The Age of Aluminium – A Documentary

Aluminium has found its way into every facet of our lives: deodorants, sun lotions, vaccines or filtered drinking water. But what do we actually know about the side effects of our daily consuming of aluminium products? The light metal comes with heavy consequences. Latest research links it to the increase in Alzheimer’s, breast cancer and food allergies. Hand in hand with the large scale environmental destruction and routine cultural genocide, deemed necessary to generate electricity for smelters, come the often disastrous ecological impacts of bauxite mining.

Saving Iceland would like to recommend this recent and informative film by Bert Ehgartner. Below is a short trailer for the film. You can stream or download the whole film, in either English or German here.

See also: Is Aluminium Really a Silent Killer?

Jamaica Bauxite Mining Videos

2 Responses to “The Age of Aluminium – A Documentary”

  1. FFI says:

    Here is a full length English version:


  2. Cougar says:

    Thank you. This link is dead because it’s been removed for copyright reasons, and for that reason, I won’t give you a new link. But search youtube for it on your own, and watch it. It’s great.
