- Að standa upp – Samstaða er ekki glæpur
- Alcan Dagbókin
Hvað þýðir það að vera sagt upp hjá Rio Tinto-Alcan?
- Draumalandið / Dreamland
Sjálfhjálparbók handa hræddri þjóð/ Self-help book and film for a scared nation
- EARTH 101
Global warming and environmental and climate change in the Icelandic and international context
- Ellert Grétarsson / Reykjanesskagi – Náttúra og undur
Nature and landscape photographer
- Fuglaverndarfélag Íslands
BirdLife Iceland
- Glettingur
- Græna netið
Félag jafnaðarmanna um umhverfið, náttúruna og framtíðina (Samfylkingin!)
- Hraunavinir.net
Loksins aðrir Íslendingar sem þora að láta verkin tala!
- Hvalá.is
Í nokkur ár hafa verið uppi áform um að virkja Hvalá í Ófeigsfirði. Sú virkjun yrði gróf spjöll á óbyggðum víðernum sem eru með þeim mestu í Evrópu. Þessi vefur er helgaður baráttunni gegn Hvalárvirkjun.
- Ísland-Palestína
Félagið Ísland-Palestína
- IWW Ísland
Heimssamband Verkafólks / Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies)
- Jakobína Sigurðardóttir rithöfundur (1918–1994)
Andkapítalískur skáldskapur gegn stóriðju
- Landvernd
Icelandic Environment Association
- Leikmenn án landmæra – Haukur Hilmarsson
Þessi vefur er tileinkaður minningu Hauks Hilmarssonar sem talið er að hafi fallið í stríðsátökum í Sýrlandi í febrúar 2018
- Loftslag.is
- Náttúrugrið
Stöndum vörð um líffræðilega og jarðfræðilega fjölbreytni í náttúru Íslands.
- Náttúruverndarsamtök Austurlands
- Náttúruverndarsamtök Íslands
The Icelandic Nature Conservation Assosiation
- Náttúruverndarsamtök Suðvesturlands
Ný samtök náttúruverndarsinna fyrir verndun jarðhitasvæðanna á Reykjanesi.
- No Borders Iceland
- Ómar Ragnarsson
Bloggsíða Ómars Ragnarssonar
- Rjúkandi
Samtök um verndun umhverfis, náttúru og menningarminja í Árneshreppi.
- Rjúkandi á Facebúkk
Á Facebook síðu umhverfissamtakanna Rjúkanda er mikið af mjög fróðlegu efni og töluvert af því hefur ekki birst annarsstaðar, t.d. beittir pistlar eftir Pétur Húna Björnsson, einkum í kringum sveitarstjórnarkosningarnar 2018
- Samstöðin
Samstöðin er fréttamiðill og vettvangur fyrir róttæka samfélagsumræðu og raddir þeirra sem ekki fá rúm í umfjöllun meginstraumsmiðla.
- Snarrótin – Samtök um borgaraleg réttindi
- Sósíalistaflokkur Íslands
- SUNN – Samtök um náttúruvernd á Norðurlandi
- Svartárkot, menning-náttúra
SVARTÁRKOT CULTURE – NATURE (SCN) is a multidisciplinary programme focusing on the diverse relations between humans and nature inspired by the environment and cultural heritage of the Bárðardalur valley and Lake Mývatn region in northern Iceland.
- Umhverfisvaktin við Hvalfjörð
Umhverfisvaktin við Hvalfjörð er þverpólitískt félag sem stofnað var vegna vaxandi áhyggja aðstandenda þess af umhverfismálum í firðinum.
- Ungir umhverfissinnar
- Verndum Jökulsárnar í Skagafirði – stuðningssíða
- Difendiamo l'Islanda dalla distruzione
- EarthFirst! UK
Ecological direct action
- European Rivers Network
Worldwide information on river basins, projects and organisations working on rivers
- Foil Vedanta
Foil Vedanta is an independent campaigning organization focused primarily on the British-Indian mining giant Vedanta Resources PLC.
- GroenFront!
Dutch & Belgian EarthFirst!
- Mark Kennedy on PowerBase
Detailed PowerBase profile of British undercover police officer Mark Kennedy and his seven years long operations in Europe.
- Monitoring European Police!
Monitoring European Police!
- Police Spies Out of Lives
A website was set up to support the case of eight women who were decieved into having long term intimate relationships with undercover police officers.
- Rising Tide
Rising Tide is a grassroots international network of groups and individuals who take direct action to confront the root causes of climate change and to promote local, community-based solutions to the climate crisis.
- Save the Ribble
A blog dedicated to preserving the River Ribble
- Spied Upon — Documentary
Jason’s Kirkpatrick’s upcoming documentary film about undercover spying and infiltration directed against activist movements.
- Statewatch.org
Monitoring the state and civil liberties in Europe
North America
- EarthFirst! Journal (US)
Direct action journal
- Green is the New Red
Will Potter’s blog on the criminalisation of activists.
- International Rivers
International networking / action organisation supporting groups protecting their rivers
- Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping
What can we say… These guys are awesome!
- The Beehive Collective
To cross-pollinate the grassroots, by creating collaborative, anti-copyright images that can be used as educational and organizing tools.
South America
- Earthlife South Africa
Campaigning vs ALCAN
- Foil Vedanta
Foil Vedanta is an independent campaigning organization focused primarily on the British-Indian mining giant Vedanta Resources PLC.
- Foil Vedanta
Foil Vedanta is an independent campaigning organization focused primarily on the British-Indian mining giant Vedanta Resources PLC.
- Kashipur photos
Photos from everyday life and resistance in Kashipur
Central America & Carribbean
- Rights Action Group (Trinidad)
Fighting the islands most rural and wild peninsula from aluminium smelters (ALCOA, AluTrint)
- BirdLife International
A global partnership of conservation organisations that strives to conserve birds, their habitats and global biodiversity
- Earth First! Newswire
A project of the Earth First! Journal, providing news and information about direct action in defense of living systems and the natural world.
- International Rivers
Works to protect rivers and the rights of people who depend on them
- London Mining Network
The London Mining Network (LMN) is an alliance of human rights, development and environmental groups, pledged to expose the role of companies listed on the London Stock Exchange, London-based funders and the British Government in the promotion of unaccept
- Mines and Communities
A website about the social and environmental impacts of minining, particularly on land based peoples
- Náttúruverndarsamtök Íslands
The Icelandic Nature Conservation Assosiation
- Rising Tide
Rising Tide is a grassroots international network of groups and individuals who take direct action to confront the root causes of climate change and to promote local, community-based solutions to the climate crisis.
- Survival International
A NGO fighting for a world where tribal peoples are free to live on their own lands, safe from violence, oppression and exploitation.
- Svartárkot, menning-náttúra
SVARTÁRKOT CULTURE – NATURE (SCN) is a multidisciplinary programme focusing on the diverse relations between humans and nature inspired by the environment and cultural heritage of the Bárðardalur valley and Lake Mývatn region in northern Iceland.
- The Corner House
Contains a wide range of briefings and documents on environmental and social justice issues
- Wordpress Themes
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